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Parochial Hall Files

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Exhibition of Antiquities
Exhibition of Antiquities

The Exhibition was held in the Parocial hall on Friday, December 1st,1911. The proceeds of the Exhibition went to Seagoe Day Schools.


Edenderry Parochial Hall. 1901/1992
The Hall was built in 1901 By Seagoe Parish Church & sold in 1992.The Hall was demolished to make way for The kentucky Fried Chicken Takeaway.

Old records show, an important display of antiquities in Edenderry Parochial Hall on Friday December 1st 1911, under the direction of the Rev.J.E.Archer, the Rector of Seagoe, the parent Church of the hall. Among the exhibits were-Officer’s Sword of 1641,dug up at the Bann, 1891; King William’s Saddle Cloth, as worn at the Boyne; Oil Painting by Rev.J.Campbell, Seagoe Rector, 1690; Tamnificarbet Bible, 1793; Old Map of Seagoe, 1746 by Rocque. Notice of Kernan Manor Court, 1840. Short Sword with which Mr. N.Cooke was murdered, 1804. Old Seagoe Sundial,1861. Pitch Pipe used in old church, 18th Century.

Few men have been more closely associated with the hall, than Mr. David Allen of Killicomain, born incidentally, around the time of that 1911 exhibition, was Superintendent of Seagoe Sunday School held in Edenderry Parochial Hall. To mention a few of other Superintendent’s. Harry Hynes, H.A. Cathcart, Mr.Hynes, Mr Joe Murphy.

At one time the hall was bursting with activities, housing the Seagoe C.L.B.-the C.G.B. met in the old school-as well as the Christian Endeavour. The hall was occupied virtually every night of the week and that included the practice nights of the Pipe Band

Mr.Allen’s mother Mrs .Sarah-Anne Allen was one of the collectors for financing the hall, built by parishioners subscription, at the turn of the century..

C.L.B. Officers, included Ernest Mitchell, Walter Curry, Wilson Metcalfe, Mr. Casey, Harry Ellis, Bob Guy, Albert Greenway, Billy Donaldson and Wilson Roney, the latter three teaching the band. Mr.David Allen was also an officer, later to become Captain of the C.L.B.

Great band families include the Roney’s the Cartmill’s, the Guy’s the Morrison’s the Bonise’s the Porter’s the McMurray’s, the McNally’s the Major’s and Freeburn’s,,the list goes on.

Those who served the Christian Endeavour with distinction included, Mr. Allen, his nephew, Cecil Allen, Ernie Gibson, Molly Maxwell, Mable Best, Betty Cairns, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Jack walker, the cobbler and many more, who served faithfully and well.

Clifford Mitchell also led a healthy Badminton Club, in the hall. The Church Army held countless missions in the hall. The Rev. Tom Keightley, held a youth Club in the hall as well.

Photo courtesy Portadown Times.


Memories of Parochial Hall
Memories of Parochial Hall

Memories Of The Parochial Hall.

The first memory I have of Edenderry Parochial Hall, is early 1949, when having met my future husband, we attended what was called a Social Evening, held for the Church Lads Brigade, their girl friends, or any one from Seagoe, that wanted to go. The music was played by the Cooper Brother’s on piano accordions, they were very good , full of fun themselves, they made sure every one enjoyed the evening, I can tell you there were no wall flowers, as every one had to be up on the floor, or they would want to know the reason why, when the time came to stop, all you could hear was , one more please, which of course they did!! About four of these were held in a year, nothing nor no one would have been able to stop us from going, it was such fun.

I must mention one Social Evening in particular, we were playing musical knees (it was the same principle, as musical chairs) only the young men had to kneel on the floor on one leg, with the other one raised ,so that his partner could sit on his knee, when the music stopped, the last one seated was out of the game. It was very competitive, well Roy and I were in the last two pairs, we were made to spread out the full length of the hall, to make it more difficult, the music stopped, we raced like mad to reach each other, we did ,but in so doing we crashed, but we won. Two days later Roy was in hospital, his knee the size of two, water had formed from our collision, he had to have electric treatment. Winning that night cost Roy a week of work. Still we won!!

Then who would ever forget the C.L.B. concerts. The hall would have been filled to capacity. The talent from the members, was second to none, not one member ever refused to play the fool, as well some of the members were very good singers, Sammy Hall, followed by the Four Roney Brother’’s in harmony. A few of the lads played their part, as comedians, which went down a storm. The audience was sorry, when the concert was over, and showed their enjoyment by making the lads take a few curtain calls. Money raised by the concerts, helped to fund the uniforms, yearly camp, etc.

The C.L.B. Inspection nights were held in the Hall, these were taken very seriously and for weeks the lads would put in extensive training. On one occasion the judges were two Army Captains from the army barracks in Armagh. In their remarks at the end of the evening, they were greatly impressed with the high standard of the drill squad, who with the help of their own officers, went on to win Battalion and Regimental Trophies. The P.T, class was very good as well, every member taking part. The evening would end with the Gym Team, putting on a fabulous display. (This same team were invited to many different towns to perform)

To end the Inspection the trophies would be awarded. This was for the efforts over the year, for attendance to Brigade, Church, supporting Brigade functions over the year, etc, etc, for which marks would be awarded. The winners from the juniors up, received their trophies, presented by a visiting Regimental Commander. This was a great honour, one to be proud of.

As a young girl of sixteen, I was invited by Roy’s cousin Uzziah McCrory to come over to the Hall on Tuesday night (as I lived in Gilford) for a game of Badminton, as he was trying to get Roy interested in the game. I went and enjoyed it so much, I was a member until my early sixties!! We had great nights there, met people from all around Mid Ulster, made many friend for life, off the court that was!!

One of our Curates was Mr. John McCarthy, very popular, loved by every one, was an all round sports man, which meant he was deeply involved with the youth of the parish. Played hockey for Banbridge, football for the C.L.B., Tennis as well, was even champion marble player, you name a sport and he could play it, well you have guessed brilliant at Badminton. I was very honoured to be his partner and one year we were chosen, as part of the team, to represent Mid Ulster.

The Hall was used for Jumble Sales as they were then called, cakes sales, even Beetle Drives to raise funds. This was the Social side of the Hall, it was used so much for the simple reason it was in Edenderry, where a lot of Seagoe Parishioners lived.

It was also a Church Hall, used for the work of God. The Christian Endeavour had Monday night. Church Services were also held ,I can remember the Harvest Services, when the Hall was decorated with flowers, fruit, vegetables and bales of hay.

Sunday School was first for the tiny tots at 2pm, when the children would sit on the forms, singing hymns, choruses with hand actions. Mrs. Kirkpatrick played on the piano, then different teachers would take it in turns to tell a simple Gospel Story, that would hold the children’s attention.

This was followed by at least six classes, seated in circles on the ground floor and a senior Bible Class up the stairs, at the back of the hall. Mr. David Allen was Superintendent, he made sure every thing ran smoothly. To all of us he was a true Christian. An example to us all. It was through David, that my sister-in-law to be, Grace Roney and I became Sunday School teachers, as we had helped with the Tiny Tots.

I did try to teach my class, the standards I had been taught to live by. Two young lads come to mind, Bill Richards, he was so intelligent for his age, I just did not know, what the next question would be, that he would ask me and question me he did!! I do hope I was some help with the answers I gave. Later in life he was to become a teacher in Armagh Royal. The other young lad was Cardwell McClure, I will give you a clue, (Edenderry Historical Society. The Wade’s Project) it is only the people, that know him could tell, if the seeds I had sown, had bore fruit!!. Suffice is to say, that when Mr. David Allen had closed the Sunday School with a prayer and a blessing, that when I opened my eyes, Cardwell’s chair was empty!!

These are a few photographs taken of the teachers and pupils at the side of the Hall. With my little Brownie Box Camera, that my future Mother-in-Law had bought me. A great present then.

By Ellen Roney.

Photo courtesy of Ellen Roney.


Photo courtesy Ellen Roney


Photo courtesy Ellen Roney


Photo courtesy Ellen Roney

Seagoe CLB Band outside Parochial Hall
Seagoe CLB Band outside Parochial Hall

This photo was taken on the steps of the Parochial Hall.

Photo courtesy Ellen Roney.

Seagoe CLB Band
Seagoe CLB Band

This band practised in the Parochial Hall from the 30's to 1970 when it broke up.

The Men Who Blew For Seagoe.

An article in the “Times” on the V.E. Day celebration’s, mentioned, that one of the six or seven bands participating, was Seagoe Church Lad’s Brigade. A photograph of the band, was included. This jogged the memories of quite a few readers, who remembered the C.L.B.band, which was one of the leading musical out-fits in the town and district, for quite a few years.

A reader had provided this photograph, which was taken around 1948, when the band was reformed, after going into abeyance during the war.

Those pictured include Mr.J.Brownlee, district master of the Portadown Orange Men, Mr. Clifford Mitchell,who was not at the V.E.day celebrations in town, as he was serving with the Royal Navy, and Mr. Billy Donaldson, who went to Canada, taught two or three local bands’

Back Row. Jim Hoy, Ernie Cadell, John Hodgens

Middle Row. Jim Ruddell, Bill Ruddell Wilson Roney,{the four Roney brother’s were later in the band} Tom Todd, Ivan McLoughlin, Eddie Simpson’

Front Row. Jack Brownlee, Clifford Mitchell, Billy Donaldson, pipe-major, Bob Guy, Bill Caddwll.

An original member of the pre-war band, Mr. Albert Grimason remembers that the band was formed around 1931. Mr. Grimason was pipe-major from 1932, until the war years.

He recalls pre-war members like George Pentland, Alfie Dickson, Gerald Vaughan, Sammy and Jim McKay and Richard Major were, like every one, very enthusiastic.

“A high light of those days, was at Balmoral in Belfast, when four C.L.B. band’s-two from Belfast, one from Armagh and ourselves, played during the visit of the new King George the Sixth and Queen Elizabeth.” Mr, Billy Best, who later was Town Clerk of Lurgan, was in charge of the parade that day. “He was very proud of us,” says Mr. Greenway.

The cost of a uniform then was around £5. That was for a high quality all wool uniform in the red Royal Stewart Tartan. A set of pipes was just six guineas.

Chancellor Archer was the rector of Seagoe Parish at the time. Mr. Greenaway said that the fund raising efforts, had the band back in the black with in the year, despite

the expense of buying uniforms, pipes and drums for the 20 bandsmen.

When the band broke up during the war, they loaned their equipment to the Home Guard, who paraded occasionally.

The band was re-formed in 1948. This picture was taken in Moffatt’s Studio at Edendeery. At that time Billy Donaldson, was the pipe major.

Wilson Roney “third left middle row,” tells the “Times” that the band continued for another 22years,finally breaking up in 1970. His three brothers, Sammy, Roy and Joe, were also in the ranks, at one stage. It was difficult for a C.L.B. company to sustain a band, as membership dwindled, until the band fizzled out.

Wilson still has the pipes and uniforms and reckons, that most of the pipes could still be used should someone try to get the Seagoe band going again. “It would take a lot of money and effort,”he adds. “it would take new uniforms and new bags for the pipes. The C.L.B.could no longer finance such an effort, it would have to be along the lines of an Old Boys Band.”

Photo courtesy Portadown Times


Seagoe Band and Brigade Member's.
Back Row - W.Porter. S.Hall. H.Gracey. C.Bell.

4th. Row - J.Magee. J.Jeffers. W.Mc Murray. W.Morrison. R.Roney. J.Roney.

3rd. Row - J.Davidson. T.Dunlop. B.Hewett. W.McCrory. S.Bonis.

2nd. Row - R.Cartmill. W.Gracey. A.Jeffers. T.Bonis. C.Donaldson. J.Hynes. E.Cartmill.
J.Kilpatrick. S.Roney.

Front Row - L.Lyttle. J.Porter. B.Guy. Rev.Jameson. J.Simpson. E.Simpson. W.Roney.

Seagoe Pipe Band & the seniors of Seagoe Church Lads Bridge outside the Parochial Hall which was just next door to Edenderry Orange Hall. It was demolished & replaced with Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Last 5 Additions

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The Pleasure Gardens

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Treasure Hunt and BBQ
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Portadown/Edenderry Railway Station
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In Remembrance
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7pm Edenderry Orange Hall

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